Working EQ

Essential Question:What is the best way for a small business to tackle system-wide IT issues in order to run as efficiently as possible?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Independent Component 2

a. I, Brandon Beghtol, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b. Mentor, Gregory H. Carlton, and his class CIS 305.
c. done
d. I have completed 30 hours of work, by attending the lectures for the class as well as completing a majority of the first project assigned in the class
My independent component represents 30 hours of work, due to attending the class each time it met, as well as doing any notes necessary, and the first project given out and the 3 deliverables that are a part of it.

This class has helped me represent my EQ because it has to do with database management and creation using the Erwin data modeler and Sequel Server. These are valuable programs to learn how to use for anyone working in a business because they help manage systems and create them. It also helped by supporting some of my answers which have to do with proper management of IT systems being necessary to help keep a business running. It helped a lot!

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