Working EQ

Essential Question:What is the best way for a small business to tackle system-wide IT issues in order to run as efficiently as possible?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Computer Shutdown Error

      Just recently, I was receiving an error occasionally, either when my computer shut down or was starting up saying something along the lines of "IAstorlcon.exe has failed to shut down correctly" or something similar to that. It may be a different file name but It will usually mean that a program in the Windows Registry is fragmented, or doesn't contain all of its components to work properly. They could've been deleted or simply saved in another area, leaving only the executable part of the program. So when windows goes through the registry to start up or shut down all your programs, it will attempt this one and find that it can't be due to the missing pieces. Don't worry, this isn't a serious issue and can be easily fixed with a registry cleaner program. The one I chose out of many happened to be ccleaner, which happens to be free. The layout of the program can be seen below. 

      How this program is set up is pretty straightforward, and the type of scan you want to use can be selected on the left hand side. For this, you would simply go to the registry section and at the bottom select scan for issues. It'll go through the registry and then show you all the fragments and pieces of programs that can be deleted and what you would like to do with them. It also gives an option to back up your registry before doing the changes to ensure nothing important was accidentally deleted, which you should probably do beforehand. 
     After you have deleted the issues in the registry, the error should have disappeared and your problem should be solved. No need at all to go pay money for someone else to help you, just type your error into your web browser and there usually is a simple way of fixing it. 

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